Dan's Hairy phone


This workshop is about desire.

Desires control our world.

Desire governs what we buy, what we dream about and whom we love. Desire is an economical, political, psychological, and existential force of nature. A force majeure that mankind long has strived to explain, harness and guide. Desire is an unwieldy power that is hard to capture in words and even harder to predict.

Although digital artifacts and our desires have a great influence on one-another, it is seldom that we discuss desirability when it comes to the design of interactive systems. Whose desires are we really designing for?

Eddy's 	Syntheziser Phone Kristian's Sms Pen phone Martin's Solar Cell Camp Phone



The task is to design a desirable telecommunications device.

In the workshop students will learn how to set up individual design goals and how to find arguments for them. Desire is a very central part of all design. Throughout the course of the workshop students will elaborate on the concept of desire in both a personal and a social context. I will introduce a range of new methodological tools to aid you in this and future design processes. You will get to know how to work with techniques such as taxonomies, verbing, moodboards, probing, bodystorming, axis thinking etc.

Elsa's Whale 	Phone

Designing Desire project site

Photos by Per Nilsson and Elsa Erman. All rights reserved.